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Coconut Extract Recipe: Everything you need to know

This coconut extract recipe is not just a cookbook necessity but also a great gift for friends and family. When stored properly, it lasts 1-2 years. Extracts are easy to make you don’t have to settle for that price tag at the store.

I like making extracts because it’s a hands-on way to bring my own flavors into the kitchen. There’s something special about creating something unique and flavorful that I can use in my cooking and baking.

What coconut should you use for this coconut extract recipe?

You can use either Shredded Coconut or Coconut Flakes. Ideally you will want shredded coconut to get the most flavor.

Keep an eye out for sales, discounts, and bulk packaging for coconut flakes to maximize your savings. I tend to find a bag of shredded coconut in the clearance aisle from time to time.

What alcohol can we use for this coconut extract recipe?

Using high-alcohol content for extracts is key because it helps draw out the flavors from your ingredients effectively. The alcohol also keeps your extracts safe from spoilage, so you can enjoy them for months without worry.

  • Rum: Subtle sweetness, high proof (around 80).
  • Vodka: Neutral flavor, high proof (around 80).
  • Everclear: Extremely high proof (around 95), potent extraction.
  • Brandy: Rich, warming flavor, lower proof.
  • Whiskey: Adds depth and complexity, lower proof.


coconut extract recipe

Helpful Equipment for making this coconut extract recipe:


  • 4 cups unsweetened coconut flakes or shredded coconut
  • 1-liter (about 4 cups) Everclear 190-proof

For a smaller more mild batch use:

  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes or shredded coconut
  • 2 cups Everclear 190-proof


  • Place coconut into a clean, airtight glass jar.
  • Pour base alcohol over the coconut flakes to completely submerge them.
  • Seal the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place for optimal infusion.


  • Allow the coconut to steep in the alcohol for 2-4 weeks, depending on the desired intensity of flavor.
  • Shake the jar occasionally to redistribute the flavors.


  • Once steeping is complete, strain the extract through a fine mesh sieve, cheesecloth, or coffee filter to remove solid particles.
  • Press gently to extract as much liquid as possible.


  • Transfer the strained extract into clean, airtight bottles or jars.
  • Seal tightly and store in a cool, dark place until ready to use.


  • Patience is key: Allow sufficient time for the flavors to fully infuse into the alcohol.
  • Quality matters: Use fresh, high-quality ingredients for the best results.
  • Experiment and customize: Feel free to mix and match flavoring ingredients to create unique blends.
  • Labeling: Be sure to label your homemade extracts with the date and ingredients for future reference.
  • Shelf life: Homemade extracts can last for an extended period if stored properly, but flavors may diminish over time. 1-2 years.
Yield: 1-liter

coconut extract recipe

coconut extract recipe


  • 4 cups shredded coconut (unsweetened)
  • 1-liter Everclear (190 proof or higher)


  1. Place the shredded coconut in a clean, airtight glass jar.
  2. Pour the Everclear over the shredded coconut until it's completely covered.
  3. Seal the jar tightly with its lid.
  4. Store the jar in a cool, dark place for at least 2 weeks,
  5. shaking gently every day. For a stronger extract, you can leave it for up to 4 weeks, but be cautious not to over-infuse.
  6. After the desired infusing time, strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a clean container to remove the shredded coconut solids.
  7. Transfer the strained coconut extract into a clean, airtight bottle or jar for storage.
  8. Label with the preparation date.
  9. Store the coconut extract in a cool, dark place.
  10. Use the extract in recipes as desired, bearing in mind its potency.


If you want a smaller batch use:

1 cup shredded coconut
2 cups Everclear

  1. Use high-quality unsweetened shredded coconut and Everclear.
  2. Infuse coconut in Everclear for 1-4 weeks in a sealed jar, shaking daily.
  3. Strain and store in a cool, dark place.
  4. Label with preparation date.
  5. Use in recipes like baked goods or cocktails.

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